1. All the study content including diagrams should be strictly according to syllabus/ topic (as applicable).
  2. All the study content should be original of the author i.e. made in own format by the author of the post. References can be used by the author but ‘copy-paste’ is strictly not allowed. If caught doing so, that post/content will be immediately deleted & the author will lose being member of the website, permanently. Moreover, the author will be sole responsible for any legal action undertaken. Same applies for diagrams, flow charts or any type of image too, which are required to be handmade/digitally made by author him/herself only.
  3. The original content once uploaded will remain uploaded on the website even after the author leaves being member of the website & the author can continue freely sharing its link.
  4. Currently we don’t have any income source, so we can’t pay any type of salary.
  5. The website is made to spread knowledge free of cost, so no member of the website is allowed to earn money from visitors personally for the content uploaded on the website. If caught doing so, membership of the person will be terminated permanently.
  6. Quality Maintenance: For maintaining quality of content on website, authors are instructed to take reference from more than two dignified resources. Our website aims at providing quality education free of cost. If in any way we felt that the quality is not being maintained by author after repeated calls, her/his membership will be terminated.
  7. For any type of queries, contact us.

Dated: 19 May 2020