- Health can be defined in certain ways, but heath is sum total of physical, mental and social well being.
- Social + mental + physical = health
- Mind plays a very important role as it influenced by neural system, endocrine & immune system. The immune system maintains our heath, thus directly or indirectly mind affects our mental health.
- Heath can be maintained by…
- Due to any reason when the organs of our body gets affected then we are not healthy, that means we are having disease.
- They have the ability to produce Disease.
- They have high rate of pathogenicity.
- Organism that depends on other body for survival and nutrition is called pathogen.
- Parasite depends upon an organism called as HOST Body.
- The relationship between parasite and host is of AMMENSALISM TYPE.
- When the parasite becomes Superior over the Host body, then the interaction between the parasite and host is called INFECTION.
- Infection can occur through
- Air
- Water
- Direct contact
- Bite of insect
- Contamination of materials and substances.
- Example: Cholera caused by Vibrio cholera.